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CONTACT - PAM SNYDER - 740-601-6018


Discounted!! Microsoft Club Training

On-Site Training

Ohio EDGE Certified


# in club

Club 500

500 seats/club

Club 250

250 seats/club

Club 100

100 seats/club


Club includes the MS Office Professional Edition and courses listed.

Windows NT Workstation Basic, Advanced Levels

Outlook Basic, Advanced Levels

Word Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Levels

Excel Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Levels

Access Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Levels

PowerPoint Basic, Advanced Levels

FrontPage Basic, Advanced Levels

PageMaker Basic, Advanced Levels

Lotus Notes/Applications

MAC Based Applications


On-Site Training: Included with pricing are the PS Computer Solutions Specialized Services.   You may divide these courses among your personnel according to need and your personnel may take courses of their choice. MS Club must be paid for in advance. Substitute students may attend in place of a registered student. Policies and Remittance: If you plan to cancel/reschedule, please notify PS Computer Solutions three business days prior to class. Substitute students may attend in place of a registered student. "No Shows" will incur a fee equal to one seat of training for the class they were to attend.  If you are canceling within three business days of the class scheduled, we recommend a substitute student attend in place of the registered student. Manuals included with pricing .  

  • One-on one training must have two attendees 

  • Minimum per class is 12

Email: pam@pscomputersolutions.com


For Additional Information Contact  Pam


Phone: (740)477-9084  Fax: (740)474-1290  Cellular: (740)601-6018



PSComputer Solutions is very diverse, yet individualized! Our goal is to make computer software training easy for you and make sure you get top quality training. We will provide you with quality, hands on training for your personnel at the most competitive price available. We offer discounts, vouchers and coupons as well as submitting cost effective proposals. We will locate the classes you are interested in scheduling at the best price and the most convenient location.


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For Additional Information Contact:




Phone: (740)601-6018    (740)477-9084   Fax: (740)474-1290


       Copyright © 1999 PS Computer Solutions. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 11, 2009